TMG Think Tank for Sustainability
Nature-based Solutions

Accelerated climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution and land degradation present a real and present danger to the natural resource base on which we depend for our survival. Numerous studies show that these increasingly existential threats are affecting societies in ways that are much more severe and multifaceted, than previously predicted. Nature-based solutions such as the sustainable management of watersheds, restoration of forests, or mangrove conservation offer systemic responses to today's complex developmental challenges.

This research programme explores how to strengthen multi-actor collaboration and other enabling conditions to fully harness the power of nature as a sustainable solution for entrenched challenges in the agri-food and other critical sectors.

Ecosystem-based Adaptation

Ecosystem-based Adaptation

Alliance building and community empowerment for climate adaptation and resilient livelihoods.

Nature plays a vital role in building resilience to climate-related extreme events and other economic, social and environmental shocks and disasters. The focus of this thematic strand is promoting ecosystem-based adaptation in multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder alliances, as well as empowering local communities through the use of digital data for sustainable water(shed) management.

Ocean Governance

Ocean Governance

Strengthening ecosystem-based approaches to regional marine governance

Marine ecosystems, resources, and species do not respect national borders. The effects of marine pollution and degradation are felt by us all. To conserve, and sustainably use ocean and marine ecosystems therefore requires integrated, and coherent approaches. By looking at marine ecosystems in their totality, policy makers can ensure that interventions are well aligned in order to address the cumulative impacts of unsustainable human activities.

Sustainable Soil Management

Sustainable Soil Management

Creating enabling environments for sustainable soil and land management practices

Healthy soils are a prerequisite for sustainable food production, carbon storage and the provision of clean drinking water. Under this theme we focus on some of the underlying socio-political dynamics and other structural challenges that limit smallholder farmers from investing in soil restoration and protection. Based on locally embedded research with our partners in several African countries, we develop, and pilot, "social innovations" to overcome the identified structural obstacles. We also explore the enabling conditions for scaling up sustainable land management, at local and ecosystem levels.

E-PAVAS: Supporting Water Users’ Associations through Digital Solutions

Info Brief

E-PAVAS: Supporting Water Users’ Associations through Digital Solutions

SOPPECOM has collaborated with TMG Research to explore how digital solutions can support equitable and sustainable water governance.

Written by Nature-based Solutions Team

Published on Jul 03, 2024

Harnessing Digitalisation for Water Governance. Key insights from India

Policy Brief

Harnessing Digitalisation for Water Governance. Key insights from India

This policy brief presents lessons and recommendations for policymakers and practitioners to strengthen inclusive water governance, with a focus on using digital tools, as well as the challenges which can hinder its effective and inclusive implementation.

Written by Neha Bhadbhade, Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, K. J. Joy, Abraham Samuel, and Dipankar Aich

Published on Jan 24, 2024

Digitalisation in Water Governance for Agriculture: Lessons from the field in India

Working Paper

Digitalisation in Water Governance for Agriculture: Lessons from the field in India

This report seeks to identify how local institutions can best use digital tools to make water governance more effective and inclusive, for sustainable water use and climate-resilient crop planning.

Written by Neha Bhadbhade, K.J. Joy, Sarita Bhagat, Kiran Lohakare, Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Dipankar Aich

Published on Jan 24, 2024

Sustainable Blue Recovery: Fostering Resilience for Marine Regions

Policy Brief

Sustainable Blue Recovery: Fostering Resilience for Marine Regions

Connecting People to Protect One Ocean

Written by Luise von Pogrell, Torsten Thiele, Sebastian Unger, Barbara Neumann, Laura Weiand, Piera Tortora, Julien Rochette, Klaudija Cremers, Glen Wright and Alexander Müller

Published on Jul 04, 2022

How can smallholder farmers benefit from soil carbon initiatives? Lessons from REDD+

Working Paper

How can smallholder farmers benefit from soil carbon initiatives? Lessons from REDD+

This paper aims to contribute to emerging debates on soil carbon sequestration by investigating the conditions required to deliver multiple benefits for smallholder farmers

Written by Bruno St-Jacques, Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Raymond Achu Samndong & Torsten Krause

Published on Apr 29, 2022

Ampliación de Adaptación basada en Ecosistemas. Lecciones de la India y Guatemala

Info Brief

Ampliación de Adaptación basada en Ecosistemas. Lecciones de la India y Guatemala

Resultados del "Proyecto de integración del clima y los ODS"

Written by Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Marai El Fassi, Arjuna Srinidhi, Amelia Coj e Ana Victoria Rodriguez

Published on Dec 17, 2021

  • ECOBARI Launch Event

    Launch of the ECOBARI collaborative

  • Scaling and Financing Ecosystem-based Adaptation

    Scaling and Financing Ecosystem-based Adaptation

  • Roadmaps for scaling up Ecosystem-based Adaptation: Insights from Guatemala and India

    Roadmaps for scaling up Ecosystem-based Adaptation: Insights from Guatemala and India

  • Ecosystem-based Adaptation: Perspectives from Guatemala

    A short film showing different perspectives from Guatemala about what Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) can mean

  • Lecciones aprendidas Adaptación basada en Ecosistemas (AbE) en Guatemala

    Live recording of event on ecosystem-based adaptation in Guatemala, 18 March 2021 (in Spanish)

  • Creando alianzas para la Adaptación basada en Ecosistemas (AbE) en Guatemala

    This video shows the importance of building partnerships around Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) as a way to scale up nature-based solutions in general

  • Building alliances for Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) in Guatemala

    A short film showing the importance of building alliances for Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) in order to upscale nature based solutions more broadly

09 -10
Peer Review Consultation: E-PAVAS - Digital Tool for Strengthening Local Water Governance by Water Users Associations
Beyond Resilience: Thriving Dryland Communities through Integrated Land, Water and Food Systems
The Southbound Resilience Webinars: Water Governance for EbA
23 -24
Strengthening locally led water governance through digitalization
17 -20
5th World Congress on Agroforestry 2022
Transforming food systems from the bottom up: Social innovations for soil restoration

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TMG Think Tank for Sustainability consists of TMG Research gGmbH, an independent, non-partisan, non-for-profit organization registered in Berlin (District Court Charlottenburg, HRB 186018 B, USt.-ID: DE311653675) and TMG - Töpfer, Müller, Gaßner GmbH, a private company registered in Berlin (District Court Charlottenburg, HRB 177576 B USt.-ID: DE306832549).

Our main address is EUREF Campus 6-9, 10829 Berlin, Germany.

© 2024 TMG Think Tank for Sustainability. All Rights Reserved.