Beyond Resilience: Thriving Dryland Communities through Integrated Land, Water and Food Systems
Official Side Event to the UNFCCC Climate Conference 28
As climate change intensifies, the clock on conventional dryland food production is ticking. Scientists, policymakers, and civil society share evidence-based approaches from global to local level with transformative potential for a food- and nutrition-secure future and resilient rural livelihood.
This high-level panel - moderated by TMG's Head of Programmes Dr. Jes Weigelt - is taking place as part of an official side event to the UNFCCC Climate Conference 28. Aly Abousabaa (DG ICARDA), Essam Mohammad (DG WorldFish), Marcella D'Souza (WOTR ED), Aditi Mukherjee (CGIAR Climate Change Lead) and H.E. Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko (African Union) will discuss these challenges.
16:45 - 18:15 (UTC+4)
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Drylands (ICARDA)
International Center for Thriving Aquatic Resources Management (WorldFish)
Watershed Organisation Trust (WOTR)