TMG Think Tank for Sustainability

Larissa Stiem-Bhatia

Programme Lead - Nature-based Solutions

Larissa's work covers the broad area of ecosystem-based adaptation, food systems transformation, soil restoration and inclusive governance. With a background in environmental and sustainability science, she has vast research experience in Africa and India. Larissa previously worked with the Research Institute for Sustainability in Potsdam, and the African Forest Model Network, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Larissa Stiem-Bhatia
From Data to Action Socially Embedded and Inclusive Digitalization for Food Systems Transformation

From Data to Action Socially Embedded and Inclusive Digitalization for Food Systems Transformation

This policy brief presents an emerging consensus on the conditions needed to ensure that digitalization shapes food systems transformation in a positive way.
Strengthening water user associations through digitalization: A field experiment in Southern Maharashtra
Blog Post

Strengthening water user associations through digitalization: A field experiment in Southern Maharashtra

There is an urgent need for equal water access in India, which is why TMG and SOPPECOM have partnered to strengthen their water management capacities through digital technologies.
Digitalisation in Water Governance for Agriculture: Lessons from the field in India

Digitalisation in Water Governance for Agriculture: Lessons from the field in India

This report seeks to identify how local institutions can best use digital tools to make water governance more effective and inclusive, for sustainable water use and climate-resilient crop planning.
Harnessing Digitalisation for Water Governance. Key insights from India

Harnessing Digitalisation for Water Governance. Key insights from India

This policy brief outlines valuable insights from field research conducted in four Indian states (Rajasthan, Gujarat, Odisha, and Maharashtra), under the ‘SEWOH Lab’ project.
Bodenatlas 2024: Boden schützen – Ernährungssicherheit, Klima- und Naturschutz zusammen denken

Bodenatlas 2024: Boden schützen – Ernährungssicherheit, Klima- und Naturschutz zusammen denken

Der Bodenatlas präsentiert Daten und Fakten über die Bedeutung und den Zustand von Land, Böden und Ackerflächen. In zahlreichen Grafiken und Textbeiträgen gibt er einen aktuellen Einblick in den Zustand und die Gefährdung der Böden, von denen wir leben.
Governor’s Day with Farmers – an innovative governance tool to bring more local agri-food actors to the policy table
Blog Post

Governor’s Day with Farmers – an innovative governance tool to bring more local agri-food actors to the policy table

Highlights of the 2nd Governor's Day with Farmers, Kakamega County Kenya
Alliances for change: Developing a collaborative roadmap for Ecosystem-based Adaptation
Blog Post

Alliances for change: Developing a collaborative roadmap for Ecosystem-based Adaptation

IKI-funded Climate-SDG Integration Project develops a roadmap for scaling up ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change
From Watershed Development to Ecosystem-based Adaptation: A journey to systemic resilience

From Watershed Development to Ecosystem-based Adaptation: A journey to systemic resilience

This report synthesises the findings of case study research in two villages in Maharashtra, India, examining the effectiveness of Ecosystem-based Adaptation measures and the conditions that enabled its implementation at community level.
Social innovations for healthy soils and human well-being
Blog Post

Social innovations for healthy soils and human well-being

Supporting smallholders in safeguarding soil ecosystems
From Data to Action Socially Embedded and Inclusive Digitalization for Food Systems Transformation

Policy Brief

From Data to Action Socially Embedded and Inclusive Digitalization for Food Systems Transformation

This policy brief presents an emerging consensus on the conditions needed to ensure that digitalization shapes food systems transformation in a positive way.

Written by Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, David Betge, Clare Crowe Pettersson

Published on Feb 28, 2024

Harnessing Digitalisation for Water Governance. Key insights from India

Policy Brief

Harnessing Digitalisation for Water Governance. Key insights from India

This policy brief presents lessons and recommendations for policymakers and practitioners to strengthen inclusive water governance, with a focus on using digital tools, as well as the challenges which can hinder its effective and inclusive implementation.

Written by Neha Bhadbhade, Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, K. J. Joy, Abraham Samuel, and Dipankar Aich

Published on Jan 24, 2024

Digitalisation in Water Governance for Agriculture: Lessons from the field in India

Working Paper

Digitalisation in Water Governance for Agriculture: Lessons from the field in India

This report seeks to identify how local institutions can best use digital tools to make water governance more effective and inclusive, for sustainable water use and climate-resilient crop planning.

Written by Neha Bhadbhade, K.J. Joy, Sarita Bhagat, Kiran Lohakare, Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Dipankar Aich

Published on Jan 24, 2024

BODENATLAS 2024 Daten und Fakten über eine lebenswichtige Ressource


BODENATLAS 2024 Daten und Fakten über eine lebenswichtige Ressource

Der Bodenatlas präsentiert Daten und Fakten über die Bedeutung und den Zustand von Land, Böden und Ackerflächen. In zahlreichen Grafiken und Textbeiträgen gibt er einen aktuellen Einblick in den Zustand und die Gefährdung der Böden, von denen wir leben.

Written by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland e. V. und TMG – Think Tank for Sustainability, TMG Research gGmbH.

Published on Jan 09, 2024

Governor's Day with Farmers - An emerging governance innovation in Kakamega County, Kenya

Policy Brief

Governor's Day with Farmers - An emerging governance innovation in Kakamega County, Kenya

This policy brief highlights learnings from the Governor’s Day with Farmers, a platform established by Shibuye Community Health Workers and the Kakamega County Farmers’ Association with support from TMG Research.

Written by Wangu Mwangi, Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, William Onura

Published on Dec 13, 2023

Le modèle Tem Sesiabun Gorado

Policy Brief

Le modèle Tem Sesiabun Gorado

Une approche de mise à l‘échelle des innovations agricoles au Bénin

Written by Check Abdel Kader Baba, Larissa Stiem-Bhatia and Ismail M. Moumouni

Published on Oct 17, 2022

The Tem Sesiabun Gorado (TSG) model

Policy Brief

The Tem Sesiabun Gorado (TSG) model

An innovate farmer-to-farmer knowledge transfer approach

Written by Check Abdel Kader Baba, Larissa Stiem-Bhatia and Ismail M. Moumouni

Published on Oct 17, 2022

Transforming food systems from the bottom up

Info Brief

Transforming food systems from the bottom up

How locally developed social innovations can strengthen enabling environments for soil restoration

Written by Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Jes Weigelt and Kader Baba

Published on Jul 13, 2022

Securing land access for smallholders

Info Brief

Securing land access for smallholders

How a community-led process is strengthening leasing rights in western Kenya

Written by William Onura, Serah Kiragu-Wissler, Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Washe Kazungu, Violet Shivutse and Doreen Magotsi

Published on Jul 13, 2022

How can smallholder farmers benefit from soil carbon initiatives? Lessons from REDD+

Working Paper

How can smallholder farmers benefit from soil carbon initiatives? Lessons from REDD+

This paper aims to contribute to emerging debates on soil carbon sequestration by investigating the conditions required to deliver multiple benefits for smallholder farmers

Written by Bruno St-Jacques, Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Raymond Achu Samndong & Torsten Krause

Published on Apr 29, 2022

Ampliación de Adaptación basada en Ecosistemas. Lecciones de la India y Guatemala

Info Brief

Ampliación de Adaptación basada en Ecosistemas. Lecciones de la India y Guatemala

Resultados del "Proyecto de integración del clima y los ODS"

Written by Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Marai El Fassi, Arjuna Srinidhi, Amelia Coj e Ana Victoria Rodriguez

Published on Dec 17, 2021

Upscaling Ecosystem-based Adaptation. Lessons from India and Guatemala

Info Brief

Upscaling Ecosystem-based Adaptation. Lessons from India and Guatemala

Outcomes from the "Climate-SDGs Integration Project"

Written by Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Marai El Fassi, Arjuna Srinidhi, Amelia Coj and Ana Victoria Rodriguez

Published on Dec 17, 2021

A review of the participation of smallholder farmers in land-based carbon payment schemes

Working Paper

A review of the participation of smallholder farmers in land-based carbon payment schemes

This paper highlights approaches for smallholder engagement, identifies key barriers to participation, and outlines options to enhance farmers’ agency.

Written by Yvonne Tamba, Joshua Wafula, Christine Magaju, Ermias Aynekulu, Leigh Winowiecki, Bruno St-Jacques, Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Cristina Arias-Navarro

Published on Nov 23, 2021

Ecosistemas para la resiliencia - Propiciando la adaptación dirigida por la comunidad: Cinco conceptos claves de Guatemala y la India


Ecosistemas para la resiliencia - Propiciando la adaptación dirigida por la comunidad: Cinco conceptos claves de Guatemala y la India

Un informe que pone de relieve las condiciones favorables en las que la Adaptación basada en Ecosistemas puede aplicarse eficazmente a nivel comunitario

Written by Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Marai El Fassi, Devaraj de Condappa, Jes Weigelt, Lucía Benavides, Wangu Mwangi, Edgar Selvin Pérez Pérez, Amelia Coj Sajvin, Rita De León, Marcella D’Souza, Arjuna Srinidhi, María Amalia Porta, Ana Victoria Rodríguez

Published on Sep 30, 2021

Ecosystems for resilience, Enabling community-led adaptation : Five key insights from Guatemala and India


Ecosystems for resilience, Enabling community-led adaptation : Five key insights from Guatemala and India

A policy paper highlighting the enabling conditions under which ecosystem-based adaptation can be effectively implemented at community level

Written by Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Marai El Fassi, Devaraj de Condappa, Jes Weigelt, Lucía Benavides, Wangu Mwangi, Edgar Selvin Pérez Pérez, Amelia Coj Sajvin, Rita De León, Marcella D’Souza, Arjuna Srinidhi, María Amalia Porta, Ana Victoria Rodríguez

Published on Sep 29, 2021

From Watershed Development to Ecosystem-based Adaptation: A journey to systemic resilience

Working Paper

From Watershed Development to Ecosystem-based Adaptation: A journey to systemic resilience

This report synthesises the findings of case study research in two villages in Maharashtra, India, examining the effectiveness of Ecosystem-based Adaptation measures and the conditions that enabled its implementation at community level.

Written by Devaraj de Condappa, Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Arjuna Srinidhi, Marcella D’Souza, Dada Dadas and Crispino Lobo

Published on Mar 31, 2021

Alianzas entre las personas y la naturaleza

Info Brief

Alianzas entre las personas y la naturaleza

En este resumen informativo se argumenta en favor del enfoque de múltiples actores para escalar la Adaptación basada en Ecosistemas (AbE) al cambio climático.

Written by Marai El Fassi, Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Ana Victoria Rodríguez, María Amalia Porta, Amelia Coj

Published on Oct 12, 2020

Securing land access for women - an innovative process based on social legitimacy

Technical Guide

Securing land access for women - an innovative process based on social legitimacy

The purpose of this guide is to provide target actors with a tool for the conduct of an alternative process for securing access to land for women.

Written by Harouna Bary, Fatoumata Tall, Saydou Koudougou, Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Dr Saïdou Sanou

Published on Jul 15, 2020

L’accès sécurisé des femmes à la terre - guide technique un processus novateur ancré dans la légitimation sociale

Technical Guide

L’accès sécurisé des femmes à la terre - guide technique un processus novateur ancré dans la légitimation sociale

L’objectif du guide est de mettre à la disposition des acteurs cibles un outil leur permettant de conduire un processus alternatif de sécurisation de l’accès des femmes à la terre.

Written by Harouna Bary, Fatoumata Tall, Saydou Koudougou, Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Dr Saïdou Sanou

Published on Jul 15, 2020

Scaling Ecosystem-based Adaptation to Climate Change in Maharashtra, India - An Analysis of Policies and Programmes

Working Paper

Scaling Ecosystem-based Adaptation to Climate Change in Maharashtra, India - An Analysis of Policies and Programmes

This paper identifies a number of opportunities for scaling-up ecosystem-based adaptation actions in Maharahstra, India.

Written by Marcella D’Souza, Arjuna Srinidhi, Shreya Banerjee, Abha Indurkar, Eshwer Kale, Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Naman Gupta

Published on May 19, 2020

Comment mettre la gestion durable des terres au service des exploitantes agricoles

Working Paper

Comment mettre la gestion durable des terres au service des exploitantes agricoles

Recommandations à l’intention des décideurs politiques et des concepteurs de programmes, basées sur des données probantes issues d’études de cas au Bénin et au Burkina Faso.

Written by Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Bruno St-Jacques, Saydou Koudougou, and Yvette Onibon Doubogan

Published on May 20, 2019

Opportunities for Voluntary Land Consolidation in Ethiopia: Farmers' Perspectives

Working Paper

Opportunities for Voluntary Land Consolidation in Ethiopia: Farmers' Perspectives

The TMG research project focusses on socio-economic, cultural and political-institutional factors that constrain farmers’ uptake of Sustainable Land Management (SLM) practices.

Written by Girum Getachew Alemu, Ezana Amdework Atsbeha, Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Jes Weigelt

Published on May 15, 2019

Making Sustainable Land Management Work for Women Smallholders

Working Paper

Making Sustainable Land Management Work for Women Smallholders

Recommendations for policy makers, and programme implementers, based on evidence from case studies in Benin and Burkina Faso.

Written by Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Bruno St-Jacques, Saydou Koudougou, and Yvette Onibon Doubogan

Published on May 15, 2019

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TMG Think Tank for Sustainability consists of TMG Research gGmbH, an independent, non-partisan, non-for-profit organization registered in Berlin (District Court Charlottenburg, HRB 186018 B, USt.-ID: DE311653675) and TMG - Töpfer, Müller, Gaßner GmbH, a private company registered in Berlin (District Court Charlottenburg, HRB 177576 B USt.-ID: DE306832549).

Our main address is EUREF Campus 6-9, 10829 Berlin, Germany.

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