TMG Think Tank for Sustainability

Jes Weigelt

Head of Programmes

Jes is responsible for co-steering TMG’s programmes, and overall strategic development. He has more than 10 years’ experience in providing science-based policy advice in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. Jes' thematic interests span natural resources governance, transitions to sustainability, co-creation of knowledge, and social innovation.

Jes Weigelt
In Memory of Klaus Töpfer
Blog Post Jul 16, 2024

In Memory of Klaus Töpfer

Jes Weigelt reflects on the passing of Klaus Töpfer, the questions motivating his commitments, and the roots of TMG Research’s founding.
The Elephant in the Room. Land Governance Challenges of Climate Change Mitigation
Publication May 08, 2024

The Elephant in the Room. Land Governance Challenges of Climate Change Mitigation

This article underscores the pivotal role of land in mitigating climate change and stresses the connection between reducing emissions and safeguarding the rights of communities.
No land rights? No climate justice
Blog Post Apr 16, 2024

No land rights? No climate justice

Indigenous Peoples and local communities face uncertainty as climate change initiatives place them in jeopardy. Ensuring their tenure rights are key to achieving a climate-just future
Just transitions rest on the horizon where ideas and action collide
Blog Post Feb 26, 2024

Just transitions rest on the horizon where ideas and action collide

TMG is running full steam to use its action-oriented research to craft innovative, grassroots projects and inform global dialogue.
Bodenatlas 2024: Boden schützen – Ernährungssicherheit, Klima- und Naturschutz zusammen denken
Publication Jan 09, 2024

Bodenatlas 2024: Boden schützen – Ernährungssicherheit, Klima- und Naturschutz zusammen denken

Der Bodenatlas präsentiert Daten und Fakten über die Bedeutung und den Zustand von Land, Böden und Ackerflächen. In zahlreichen Grafiken und Textbeiträgen gibt er einen aktuellen Einblick in den Zustand und die Gefährdung der Böden, von denen wir leben.
Pathways to transform urban food systems
Publication Mar 27, 2023

Pathways to transform urban food systems

An action research compass for strengthening the informal sector's role in achieving the right to food
Linking biodiversity conservation to human rights: A much-needed conversation at CBD 15
Blog Post Dec 13, 2022

Linking biodiversity conservation to human rights: A much-needed conversation at CBD 15

We need to find new ways to agree on, and implement, robust goals for biodiversity protection
The Right Way to Fight Global Hunger
News Jun 13, 2022

The Right Way to Fight Global Hunger

Immediate responses to the current hunger crisis must also support the long-term transformation of food systems.
It starts with people: The human rights imperative for achieving large-scale restoration targets
Blog Post Feb 03, 2022

It starts with people: The human rights imperative for achieving large-scale restoration targets

Contextualising a GFFA Expert Panel hosted by TMG Research
Transformation: does the term still have value?
Blog Post Nov 03, 2021

Transformation: does the term still have value?

TMG think piece series
People and Planet
Blog Post Jun 04, 2021

People and Planet

Empowering African communities in ecosystem restoration
Towards a cultural reset in restoring Africa’s drylands
Blog Post May 26, 2021

Towards a cultural reset in restoring Africa’s drylands

Insights for empowering community-led land management as the UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration (2021–2030) kicks off
To protect ecosystems, invest in women’s capacities!
Blog Post Mar 08, 2021

To protect ecosystems, invest in women’s capacities!

This International Women’s Day we highlight the importance of women to the success of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021-2030
Building Our Food Systems Back Better
Blog Post Jun 30, 2020

Building Our Food Systems Back Better

What is required to make food systems provide sufficient, healthy food while not harming the planet? How should food security be maintained given the threat posed by climate change?
Creating an enabling environment for nature-based solutions to climate change
Blog Post Sep 25, 2019

Creating an enabling environment for nature-based solutions to climate change

Global goals will not percolate by themselves, local evidence is fundamental to implementing nature-based solutions to climate change
The Elephant in the Room. Land Governance Challenges of Climate Change Mitigation


The Elephant in the Room. Land Governance Challenges of Climate Change Mitigation

This article underscores the pivotal role of land in mitigating climate change and stresses the connection between reducing emissions and safeguarding the rights of communities.

Written by David Betge, Frederike Klümper, Jes Weigelt

Published on May 08, 2024

BODENATLAS 2024 Daten und Fakten über eine lebenswichtige Ressource


BODENATLAS 2024 Daten und Fakten über eine lebenswichtige Ressource

Der Bodenatlas präsentiert Daten und Fakten über die Bedeutung und den Zustand von Land, Böden und Ackerflächen. In zahlreichen Grafiken und Textbeiträgen gibt er einen aktuellen Einblick in den Zustand und die Gefährdung der Böden, von denen wir leben.

Written by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland e. V. und TMG – Think Tank for Sustainability, TMG Research gGmbH.

Published on Jan 09, 2024

Responsible land governance in LDN programmes: The risks of decoupling forest conservation from legitimate tenure rights in Madagascar

Working Paper

Responsible land governance in LDN programmes: The risks of decoupling forest conservation from legitimate tenure rights in Madagascar

Examining the challenges to safeguard and integrate legitimate tenure rights in management and policy decisions: a follow-up to the implementation of the UNCCD Decision 26/COP.14 on land tenure.

Written by Check Abdel Kader, Baba, Frederike Klümper, Harifidy Rakoko Ratsimba, Washe Kazungu, Jes Weigelt

Published on Sep 19, 2023

Responsible land governance  in LDN programmes - Malawi Case Study

Working Paper

Responsible land governance in LDN programmes - Malawi Case Study

Monitoring the impact of Land Degradation Neutrality measures on legitimate tenure rights of forest-adjacent communities: a follow-up to the implementation of the UNCCD Decision 26/COP.14 on land tenure.

Written by Washe Kazungu, Check Abdel Kader Baba, Frederike Klümper, Jes Weigelt

Published on Aug 03, 2023

Iindlela zokutshintsha imisebenzi yokuveliswa kuye ekutyiweni kokutya ezidolophini


Iindlela zokutshintsha imisebenzi yokuveliswa kuye ekutyiweni kokutya ezidolophini

Ndaphelelela ukufinyelela ingxaki yokutya ngokungathengi ngokulawulo ngokuzimele.

Written by Nicole Paganini, Jes Weigelt

Published on Jul 19, 2023

Verskillende we ë om stedelike voedselstelsels te transformeer


Verskillende we ë om stedelike voedselstelsels te transformeer

Geleidelik besef die reg op voedsel deur 'n versterkte informele sektor.

Written by Nicole Paganini, Jes Weigelt

Published on Jul 19, 2023

Voies à emprunter pour transformer les systèmes alimentaires urbains


Voies à emprunter pour transformer les systèmes alimentaires urbains

Progressivement réaliser le droit à l'alimentation grâce à un secteur informel renforcé.

Written by Nicole Paganini, Jes Weigelt

Published on Jul 19, 2023

Njia za  kubadilisha  mifumo ya  chakula mijini


Njia za kubadilisha mifumo ya chakula mijini

Kutimiza kwa taratibu haki ya chakula kupitia sekta isiyo rasmi iliyoimarishwa.

Written by Nicole Paganini, Jes Weigelt

Published on Jul 19, 2023

Pathways to transform urban food systems


Pathways to transform urban food systems

Progressively realizing the right to food through a strengthened informal sector

Written by Nicole Paganini, Jes Weigelt

Published on Mar 23, 2023

Transforming food systems from the bottom up

Info Brief

Transforming food systems from the bottom up

How locally developed social innovations can strengthen enabling environments for soil restoration

Written by Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Jes Weigelt and Kader Baba

Published on Jul 13, 2022

Technical Guide on the Integration of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security into the Implementation of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification and LDN

Technical Guide

Technical Guide on the Integration of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security into the Implementation of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification and LDN

TMG contributed to this technical guide that aims to inform policy and decision makers on the potential and means whereby which legitimate and secure tenure can accelerate progress towards LDN and other restoration commitments.

Written by FAO, UNCCD, TMG Research

Published on Jun 01, 2022

The Human Rights and Land Navigator: Strengthening responsible land governance

Working Paper

The Human Rights and Land Navigator: Strengthening responsible land governance

Introducing the Human Rights and Land Navigator, an online database that links the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests (VGGT) to binding human rights standards

Written by Ilse Pelkmans, David Betge, Elena Müller & Jes Weigelt

Published on May 11, 2022

Responsible Land Governance in Land Degradation Neutrality Programmes: Insights from Benin and Kenya


Responsible Land Governance in Land Degradation Neutrality Programmes: Insights from Benin and Kenya

Global Soil Week 2021 Synthesis Report

Written by Check Abdel Kader Baba, Brian Washe Kazungu, Jes Weigelt & Anna Kramer

Published on May 06, 2022

Responsible Land Governance in LDN Programmes - Kenya

Working Paper

Responsible Land Governance in LDN Programmes - Kenya

This report from the Global Soil Week 2021 monitors the effects of Land Degradation Neutrality measures on land governance in Kenya.

Written by Brian Washe Kazungu, Anna Kramer, Jes Weigelt, Oscar Schmidt

Published on Dec 17, 2021

Research for Change: Towards a transformative research strategy for climate-resilient agriculture in Germany


Research for Change: Towards a transformative research strategy for climate-resilient agriculture in Germany

A paper proposing elements of a national research strategy for a transformation of the German agricultural sector towards climate resilience

Written by Christine Chemnitz, Jes Weigelt, Corinna Enders, Anna Häring, Folkhard Isermeyer, Martin Kunisch, Alexander Müller, Susanne Neubert, Henrike Rieken, Rolf Sommer, Friedhelm Taube, Jens Tuider, Hubert Wiggering

Published on Oct 29, 2021

Ecosistemas para la resiliencia - Propiciando la adaptación dirigida por la comunidad: Cinco conceptos claves de Guatemala y la India


Ecosistemas para la resiliencia - Propiciando la adaptación dirigida por la comunidad: Cinco conceptos claves de Guatemala y la India

Un informe que pone de relieve las condiciones favorables en las que la Adaptación basada en Ecosistemas puede aplicarse eficazmente a nivel comunitario

Written by Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Marai El Fassi, Devaraj de Condappa, Jes Weigelt, Lucía Benavides, Wangu Mwangi, Edgar Selvin Pérez Pérez, Amelia Coj Sajvin, Rita De León, Marcella D’Souza, Arjuna Srinidhi, María Amalia Porta, Ana Victoria Rodríguez

Published on Sep 30, 2021

Ecosystems for resilience, Enabling community-led adaptation : Five key insights from Guatemala and India


Ecosystems for resilience, Enabling community-led adaptation : Five key insights from Guatemala and India

A policy paper highlighting the enabling conditions under which ecosystem-based adaptation can be effectively implemented at community level

Written by Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Marai El Fassi, Devaraj de Condappa, Jes Weigelt, Lucía Benavides, Wangu Mwangi, Edgar Selvin Pérez Pérez, Amelia Coj Sajvin, Rita De León, Marcella D’Souza, Arjuna Srinidhi, María Amalia Porta, Ana Victoria Rodríguez

Published on Sep 29, 2021

Power Poverty Hunger


Power Poverty Hunger

Food Systems Fact 2021

Written by Christine Chemnitz, Jes Weigelt, Jonas Luckmann, Olesya Luckmann, Ali Nobil and Inka Dewitz

Published on Sep 15, 2021

From The Bottom Up: Creating an enabling environment for sustainable land management

Technical Guide

From The Bottom Up: Creating an enabling environment for sustainable land management

This guide presents investment strategies designed to create an enabling environment for sustainable land management (SLM) and ecosystem restoration.

Written by Anna Kramer, Jes Weigelt, Alexander Müller, Samie Blasingame

Published on May 11, 2020

Strengthening civic spaces in spatial planning processes - A technical guide on regulated spatial planning and tenure to balance societal priorities in the use of land, fisheries and forests

Technical Guide

Strengthening civic spaces in spatial planning processes - A technical guide on regulated spatial planning and tenure to balance societal priorities in the use of land, fisheries and forests

Decisions over tenure – who gets access to land, fisheries and forests, for how long, and under what conditions – have important implications for people’s livelihoods.

Written by Jes Weigelt, Anna Katharina Kramer, Samie Blasingame, Sonja Scheele

Published on May 11, 2020

Opportunities for Voluntary Land Consolidation in Ethiopia: Farmers' Perspectives

Working Paper

Opportunities for Voluntary Land Consolidation in Ethiopia: Farmers' Perspectives

The TMG research project focusses on socio-economic, cultural and political-institutional factors that constrain farmers’ uptake of Sustainable Land Management (SLM) practices.

Written by Girum Getachew Alemu, Ezana Amdework Atsbeha, Larissa Stiem-Bhatia, Jes Weigelt

Published on May 15, 2019

Wege zu einem Gesellschaftsvertrag für eine zukunftsfähige LandWirtschaft

Working Paper

Wege zu einem Gesellschaftsvertrag für eine zukunftsfähige LandWirtschaft

Es ist unbestritten: Die Landwirtschaft steht vor gewaltigen Herausforderungen - weltweit und auch in Deutschland. Die wachsende globale Bevölkerung erhöht die Nachfrage nach Lebensmitteln, Konsumgewohnheiten ändern sich.

Written by Jes Weigelt, Melf-Hinrich Ehlers, Alexander Müller

Published on Jan 16, 2018

One Investment, many Benefits: Soil Rehabilitation for Poverty Reduction, Food Security, Climate Change Adaptation, and Biodiversity Protection


One Investment, many Benefits: Soil Rehabilitation for Poverty Reduction, Food Security, Climate Change Adaptation, and Biodiversity Protection

Soil rehabilitation offers great potential to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the goals of the Paris Agreement while contributing to “leaving no one behind”:

Written by Carolin Sperk, Jes Weigelt, Alexander Müller, Jonathan Davis, Ravi Prabhu

Published on May 15, 2017

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TMG Think Tank for Sustainability consists of TMG Research gGmbH, an independent, non-partisan, non-for-profit organization registered in Berlin (District Court Charlottenburg, HRB 186018 B, USt.-ID: DE311653675) and TMG - Töpfer, Müller, Gaßner GmbH, a private company registered in Berlin (District Court Charlottenburg, HRB 177576 B USt.-ID: DE306832549).

Our main address is EUREF Campus 6-9, 10829 Berlin, Germany.

© 2024 TMG Think Tank for Sustainability. All Rights Reserved.