Ilse Pelkmans
Research Associate
llse has worked with diverse local and international organizations in East and West Africa, Central America and Europe, focusing on human rights, gender, social inclusion, and participatory planning, monitoring and evaluation. She holds a Master's degree in Cultural Anthropology and International Development Studies from Nijmegen University in the Netherlands.
Haki Ardhi land rights reporting tool - A path to gender-responsive climate action
Rights4Land tools revamped: accessible, comprehensive, and localized
Pioneering systems change: grassroots action forges gender-just pathways to accountability
Grabbing land to save the planet or using the power of human rights to protect tenure rights?
Women's rights ARE human rights
The power of human rights to protect tenure rights
Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the Voluntary Guidelines on Tenure (VGGT)
Applying Human Rights 4 Land Tools: Results of a pilot in Malawi
TMG Research and partners launched two Rights4Land tools that help land and human rights defenders to connect human rights and land governance. This paper presents the results of the tools, which were piloted in Malawi in 2022.
Written by Ilse Pelkmans
Published on Sep 30, 2023
Working Paper
The Human Rights and Land Navigator: Strengthening responsible land governance
Introducing the Human Rights and Land Navigator, an online database that links the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests (VGGT) to binding human rights standards
Written by Ilse Pelkmans, David Betge, Elena Müller & Jes Weigelt
Published on May 11, 2022