TMG Think Tank for Sustainability

Jemimah Njuki

Chief, Economic Empowerment
UN Women

Jemimah Njuki, Chief of the Economic Empowerment section at UN Women, is a globally recognized leader in gender equality and women’s empowerment. Her impactful career spans over 20 years, during which she has championed women’s economic empowerment across Africa and Asia. She has held key positions at organizations such as the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), CARE USA, and the International Livestock Research Institute. Jemimah’s achievements include coordinating the Growth and Economic Opportunities Program at IDRC, leading the Women in Agriculture Program at CARE USA, pioneering the Poverty, Gender, and Impact Program at ILRI, playing a pivotal role in establishing the Coalition to Make Food Systems Work for Women and Girls and spearheading the design and implementation of the Global Food 5050, an essential gender responsibility indicator for organizations engaged in global food systems.

Jemimah Njuki