Alastaire Sèna Alinsato
Alastaire Sèna Alinsato served the Ministry of Planning and Development (Benin) in several key functions, for instance, as the Director of Coordination and Monitoring of Policies to implement the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (2013 – 2016). For the Ministry at the Presidency of the Republic Benin, Alinsato worked as a Scientific Assistant to the President of the Economic Analysis Council and later as the Director of Coordination and Monitoring of Policies for the Implementation of the MDGs and SDGs. Furthermore, he was the Special Advisor to the High-Level Panel of the United Nations Secretary-General on the Post 2015 Development Agenda (2012-2013). As the editor-in-chief, he submitted Benin's Voluntary National Contribution to High-Level Political Forum on the SDGs in 2017 and 2018.