TMG Think Tank for Sustainability

True Cost Accounting - Inventory Project

A collection of methodologies, case studies, and valuation approaches for true cost accounting

Despite the growing interest in True Cost Accounting (TCA) approaches, their uptake by businesses, governments, and accounting firms, has been slow. This is in part due to the multiplicity of tools, databases and case studies developed by different organisations, as well as the methodological complexity of TCA approaches.

This project aimed to ease this process by creating a one-stop-shop on TCA information.

This specific objectives of the project were to:

- Provide a synthesis of methodologies and databases that can be used to assess the four capitals − financial, human, social, and natural − in TCA. 

- Develop an inventory of cases applying TCA across food systems, with the aim of developing a user-oriented searchable database and application tools. 

- Distill strategic recommendations about how to strengthen TCA systemic approach across food systems that will inform the development of a "TCA for Food Systems Accelerator." 

The information generated by the inventory has been organised in a user-oriented database. The accompanying report outlines the methodology adopted to develop the database, and provides strategic recommendations for scaling-up TCA for food systems.

Since the launch of the inventory in 2020, the project has received positive feedback from a range of TCA practitioners and newbies alike, who welcome the convenience of having a unified reference point for all TCA information sources.

Project Name
True Cost Accounting - Inventory Project

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TMG Think Tank for Sustainability consists of TMG Research gGmbH, an independent, non-partisan, non-for-profit organization registered in Berlin (District Court Charlottenburg, HRB 186018 B, USt.-ID: DE311653675) and TMG - Töpfer, Müller, Gaßner GmbH, a private company registered in Berlin (District Court Charlottenburg, HRB 177576 B USt.-ID: DE306832549).

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