Why the Clean Industrial Deal must address social and environmental concerns
As the new European Commission takes shape, the Executive Directors of the Think Sustainable Europe network urge to maintain social and environmental concerns as priorities in future EU legislation.

Op-ed written and signed by the Executive Directors of 10 European sustainability think tanks as a reply to Ursula von der Leyen’s political guidelines, as well as to the three key areas outlined in the Strategic Agenda of the European Council published in June.
Read the full opinion piece signed by Eero Yrjö-Koskinen, Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP), Belgium; Sébastien Treyer, Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI), France; Nathalie Bernasconi-Osterwalder, IISD Europe, Switzerland; Ioli Christopoulou, The Green Tank, Greece; Vit Dostál, Association for International Affairs (AMO), Czech Republic; Christoph Heinrich, Ecologic Institute, Germany; András Kéri, Energiaklub Climate Policy Institute, Hungary; Alexander Müller, TMG Think Tank for Sustainability, Germany; Måns Nilsson, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Sweden; Maria José Sanz, Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), Spain.
An edited and shorter version of this op-ed was published on the Sustainable Views website and is accessible at this link.
Written by Executive Directors of the Think Sustainable Europe Network