Just Biodiversity Transformations
TMG and partners bring land rights agenda to CBD COP 15

Together with diverse partners, TMG is co-organizing two side events at the 15th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 15) to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
14 December: Protecting land, protecting food – Indigenous and local women as stewards of land and food sovereignty
While indigenous and local women are the stewards of land and biodiversity they are also paying the highest costs of climate change and biodiversity loss, and their tenure rights are highly fragile. This session will bring together women from different world regions to discuss their work and personal experience relating to and advocating for land tenure rights, biodiversity protection, restoration and sustainable use as well as food sovereignty. This event is co-organized by TMG Research, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Women4Biodiversity.
Secure tenure rights are a precondition for protecting and restoring land, soils, biodiversity and many mitigation and adaptation measures. Land tenure security also has significant positive effects on the resilience of local communities. This session will highlight the cross-cutting importance of legitimate land tenure rights for the three Rio Conventions (on climate change, biodiversity and land restoration), by learning from the landmark land tenure decision adopted by parties to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). This event is co-organized by TMG, UNCCD and the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI).