TMG Think Tank for Sustainability


World Bank Land Conference 2024: Women’s Land Rights as a Foundation for Sustainable Climate Action

This session will demonstrate how women’s land rights contribute to the achievement of the three Rio Conventions and gender equality more broadly and showcase approaches for integrating both into national and local implementation.

This session highlights the foundational contribution of women’s rights to land, housing, property, and territory (WLR) to the achievement of the goals of the three Rio Conventions. The relationship between WLR, climate action, land restoration, and the protection and conservation of biodiversity, and the need for stronger implementation of WLR to achieve these goals, is strongly reflected across the three Rio Conventions. The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has recognized the synergies between Rio Convention goals and WLR. The UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) has adopted decisions on land tenure, launched a WLR awareness-raising campaign, and partners with the Stand for Her Land (S4HL) campaign to support implementation and awareness-raising on the role of WLR. The UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has enshrined WLR in the Kunming Montreal Framework in two separate indicators, supporting implementation of WLR by Parties to the CBD and other stakeholders as a basis for biodiversity protection and conservation. Finally, emerging evidence shows WLR contributes to Rio Convention goals and gender equality more broadly.  This recognition must now be transformed into stronger implementation of gender-equal land tenure rights around the world, integrated with national and sub-national level implementation of the Rio Conventions.   As a result of this session, participants will: 

  • Demonstrate deeper knowledge about the nexus of WLR and the Rio Conventions, including existing evidence for the contribution of WLR to climate action 

  • Be equipped with examples of how WLR can support implementation of the Rio Conventions 

  • Identify barriers to implementation of WLR and how to address them 

  • Showcase approaches and pathways for integrating WLR and Rio Convention into national and local implementation 

There will be an option for virtual participation for the first time this year, and requests for virtual General Registration are now open. Virtual registration is free of charge. More information here.




16:00 - 17:45

Coordinated Universal Time

16:00 - 17:45



Stand for Her Land Campaign (Landesa)

TMG Research

International Development Law Organization (IDLO)

International Land Coalition

Land Equity International


Washington, DC

World Bank Land Conference 2024: Women’s Land Rights as a Foundation for Sustainable Climate Action
photo credits: The World Bank

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