Empowering agents of transformation: Paths towards inclusive governance for sustainable food systems
The event seeks to deepen the discussion around necessary types of governance architecture to achieve sustainable food systems.
In the face of climate change, degradation of natural resources and a severe global food crisis, this event aims to identify ways to empower agents to drive a sustainable transformation of our food systems. Throughout this engaging discussion, participants will gain insights into the latest initiatives, policy frameworks, and collaborative efforts that have the potential to reform our approach to sustainable and inclusive food systems. We will discuss why food systems transformation needs a new type of governance ensuring inclusivity and strong linkages with relevant international agreements such as climate, biodiversity and land degradation.
TMG – Think Tank for Sustainability will present its latest research results on the governance of food systems transformation.
TMG Research
WWF Germany/International
PandaHub Pavilion

FORESEE (4C) Summary Report: The Transformation of Agri-Food Systems in Times of Multiple Crises
Exploring equitable, healthy, resilient and sustainable pathways for agri-food transformation. This is a summary of the FORESEE (4C) series: Reports 1, 2, and 3.
Written by Tavseef Mairaj Shah, Olivia Riemer
Published on Apr 03, 2023

FORESEE (4C) Report 3: Blindspots in the Debate on Agri-Food System Transformation
Analysing blind spots in the debate around agri-food systems transformation and how to address them.
Written by Patrick Caron, Maureen Gitagia, Michael Hamm, Ulrich Hoffman, Elizabeth Kimani-Murage, Tania Martinez-Cruz, Kathleen Merrigan, Pat Mooney, Olivia Riemer, Nadia El Hage Scialabba, Tavseef Mairaj Shah
Published on Apr 03, 2023

FORESEE (4C) Report 2: State of the Debate on Agri-Food Systems Transformation
A multi-actor review of current debates around agri-food systems transformation.
Written by Nadia El-Hage Scialabba, Sarah Zitterbarth, Tavseef Shah
Published on Apr 03, 2023

FORESEE (4C) Report 1: Current Conditions and Policy Frameworks of Agri-Food Systems Transformation
Analysing the 4Cs and their interaction with agri-food systems
Written by Olivia Riemer, Tavseef Mairaj Shah, Sarah Zitterbarth
Published on Apr 03, 2023